This section contains some introductory questions. Please indicate what applies to your situation and, if necessary, provide additional information.
What year were you born in?
I am
You transport
What type of goods do you mainly transport?
a. From April to September
b. From October to March
Do you transport hazardous goods?
In which areas do you mainly sail?
In which countries do you mainly sail?
The following questions are about remote operation. Many of the bridges and locks in Flanders are currently operated by a shipping supervisor who is present on the spot. By 2032, De Vlaamse Waterweg nv wants to be able to operate more than 300 engineering structures (bridges, locks, weirs, etc.) from three central stations. When operation is first transferred to the central stations, the prevailing operating times will be maintained. If necessary, consideration will be given to making operating times 24/7 for the shipping routes that would benefit from such an extension.
Have you ever passed through or under a lock or movable bridge that is operated remotely?
What is your opinion of remote operation at the moment?
Have you noticed a difference in the way the following are operated?
... The Dessel-Turnhout-Schoten Canal, since the introduction of remote operation in 2015?
Please explain your answer.
... The canal to Charleroi, since the introduction of remote operation in 2014?
... The Leuven-Dijle Canal, since the introduction of remote operation in 2001?
How can we accommodate the personal services of a shipping supervisor if that engineering structure is operated remotely?
In your opinion, are there any changes due to remote operation in the relationship between the ship and…
... the ship on the waterway?
If yes, what?
... the ship in the lock?
... the mixture of pleasure craft and commercial shipping?
... automated sailing?
If there is no longer a local shipping supervisor in the future, for what reasons would you still contact De Vlaamse Waterweg nv during your journey? (For example: moorings when underway, questions about water levels, opening hours etc.)
De Vlaamse Waterweg nv continuously looks at how it can improve its services. Imagine it’s the year 2032: what is the ideal scenario for you regarding corridor management and traffic management?*
*Corridor management is defined as information services between waterway authorities, waterway users and involved logistics parties to optimise the use of inland shipping corridors in the network of European waterways.
*Traffic management is the influencing of traffic flows where the goal is to optimise these flows. This mainly focuses on maximising traffic flows and using the infrastructure optimally.
How would you ideally like to communicate with us...
... About the operation of structures?
... In case of emergency?
... in the event of damage to a ship or structure?
Going through this survey may have made you think about certain things not covered in the survey. For this reason, we would like to ask what questions you still have as a result of the roll-out of remote operation.
Please enter any comments you have about remote operation in the comment box below. We respect any comments/suggestions you have, and will review them carefully.
Finally, we would like to give you an apportunity here to assess your willingness to participate in our workshops, topic-specific surveys or both, in which we can look at certain topics in more depth.
Are you willing to complete a survey or surveys related to a specific theme or themes?
Are you willing to participate in workshops concerning for example, passing through or under structures?
Please fill in the details below so that we can send you an invitation to a workshop and/or thematic survey. Your personal data will only be used for the workshop and/or thematic surveys. We treat your data confidentially, and will not share it with third parties.
d. Welke thema’s zou u in deze workshops/ enquêtes graag aan bod zien komen? (Meerdere antwoorden zijn mogelijk)